
Software random generators (PRNG): Software RNGs use mathematical algorithms to generate random numbers, initializing the algorithm with a "seed" value derived from some repetitive operation in the computer, such as keystrokes, running processes, the computer's clock, or mouse movements. However, it is extremely difficult to come up with a completely random seed value, since most such operations only provide seeds with a small range of values.
The challenge of software RNGs is that the sequence of numbers based on the seed value is completely deterministic, since their creation is accomplished with a software algorithm. So even if the seed value is truly random, the numbers the RNG creates are predictable if someone can figure out the algorithm used to produce them. Thus the numbers generated by software RNGs are not considered truly random, but pseudo-random, and the software RNGs that generate them are known as Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs).

Hardware random generators (TRNG): Hardware RNGs do not require seeds because hardware random numbers are not computed values; they are not derived through a repeatable algorithm. Rather, hardware-generated random numbers are digitized snapshots of naturally occurring noise. Because there is no algorithm and no repeating sequences of numbers, even if a hacker could determine one number, he would not be able to use it to predict any future numbers. For this reason, hardware RNGs are known as Truly Random Number Generators, or TRNGs

The Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE) is the New Jersey Government body that regulates Betfair Casino and its partners. More information on the DGE, as well as a list of regulated companies may be found on their website.
To get in touch with our NJ casino online support via email or live chat, visit our contact us page or call us at 855-BETFAIR from 10am to 8pm EST.
You can view your full account balance here. Cash total is the total cash in your account. Anything else is bonus funds.
Table limits and average RTP info can always be found in the menu of the game. If you are unable to find this please contact us customer services team here.
Please contact Customer Service and we will be happy to assist.
Should you wish to obtain this figure please contact Customer Service.
Please click here to open an account.
Full details of all of our promotions, their Terms and Conditions, and how they work can be found on our promotions page.
If you wish to opt out of bonuses, please contact our Customer Service team here.
Please click here to see your full account breakdown
Please click here to see your full account breakdown
Please visit our Promotions page for details on all of our promotions.
The wagering requirement breakdown is always listed in the terms and conditions of each promotion and can be found on our Promotions page.
Should you wish to self exclude please visit our Responsible Gaming page here.
Go to BetfairCasino.com on your mobile device and you will be taken to the mobile site.
Please click here to deposit funds
Please click here to view our full list of withdrawal options.
Don’t worry, if you receive a call the game will be placed in a holding state ready for you to continue playing once the call has ended.
You can view a complete history of all games here.
Most Apple, Android, and Windows phone are compatible as well as some Blackberry devices. Please contact our Customer Service team if you are unsure if your device is compatible.
No the house does not take a fee for casino games.

Any bet which results in proceeds of $1,200.00 or more from online slot games must be reported by us to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

If you are subject to IRS reporting requirements, we will send you Form W2-G summarising the information for tax purposes by January 31 following the end of the tax year of winning.

Since you provided us with a full Social Security Number at registration we are not required to withhold federal or New Jersey State Income Tax from your winnings. Whether or not you are subject to tax on your winnings is dependent upon your own individual circumstances and as such we are not able to provide personal tax advice.


Once your poker alias/nickname has been chosen, it cannot be changed.
Should you wish to report abusive behavior, please contact our Customer Service team. Full contact details can be found here.
A Sit and go tournament is a single or muliti table tournament which will begin as soon as enough players have registered.
A satellite qualifier is a tournament that feeds into a larger tournament. In this instance the prize is not cash but a seat in another tournament.
The two parts are the buy-in which contributes to the pot and the fee which goes to the house.
If you unregister before the tournament starts, the buy-in and fee will be returned.
If you unregister before the tournament starts, the buy-in and fee will be returned.
In most cases, if you are logged into the client you will be taken to the tournament even if you are playing an existing cash game.
The tournament description will contain details of what it is you are qualifying for or what the next tournament in the satellite campaign is.
Yes. Please visit our Affiliate page for more information.
If you disconnect, you'll be given a period of time to reconnect to the game. If you do not reconnect, your hand will be folded.
if you do not manage to reconnect to the game in time, your hand will be folded and the gameplay will continue.
Please ensure that you are not using any other software and/or you do not have video streaming. Wired internet connections are also more reliable.
The time bank is an extra period of time in a poker hand for a player to make a decision.
This will be located in your browsers default download folder
Check that your system meets the minimum requirements. If this is not the issue, please contact our Customer Service team here.
You are free to play at tables with people you know. However, please be aware that we actively monitor all tables to ensure there is no collusion.
In a cash game you will need to buy in again, whereas in a tournament (assuming it is a rebuy and add-on) you can purchase extra tournament chips up to a certain time otherwise you drop out of the tournament.
Rake is the amount of money withheld from the pot by the poker room as a fee for playing. This is a small, capped percentage of the pot generated in a game. Full details on our Rake structure can be found on the main desktop site under poker - clients features page.
Yes you can. All the windows are scalable.
To rescale a window you can position your cursor over any outside edgeand hold the left mouse button down. You then move the mouse to re-size the window as desired. Releasing the mouse button leaves the table size in the position selected.

Software random generators (PRNG): Software RNGs use mathematical algorithms to generate random numbers, initializing the algorithm with a "seed" value derived from some repetitive operation in the computer, such as keystrokes, running processes, the computer's clock, or mouse movements. However, it is extremely difficult to come up with a completely random seed value, since most such operations only provide seeds with a small range of values.
The challenge of software RNGs is that the sequence of numbers based on the seed value is completely deterministic, since their creation is accomplished with a software algorithm. So even if the seed value is truly random, the numbers the RNG creates are predictable if someone can figure out the algorithm used to produce them. Thus the numbers generated by software RNGs are not considered truly random, but pseudo-random, and the software RNGs that generate them are known as Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs).

Hardware random generators (TRNG): Hardware RNGs do not require seeds because hardware random numbers are not computed values; they are not derived through a repeatable algorithm. Rather, hardware-generated random numbers are digitized snapshots of naturally occurring noise. Because there is no algorithm and no repeating sequences of numbers, even if a hacker could determine one number, he would not be able to use it to predict any future numbers. For this reason, hardware RNGs are known as Truly Random Number Generators, or TRNGs

It is not possible for any staff or user to view others hole cards during a hand. Certain members of Betfair staff, Support, and Fraud teams can view full gameplay once a hand is finished.
Simply click on "Settings" located in the upper right corner of the poker lobby and select sound on/off as desired.
You may self-exclude yourself via our Responsible Gaming page which can be found here.
In Turbo tournaments blinds will increase more quickly.
Have you recently experienced
  1. - slow site performance?
  2. - a game error in Casino?
  3. - your software or browser freezing or crashing?
  4. - a disconnection during a game in Poker or Casino?

If so, then it is probably time to check your browser and internet connection. Please follow the steps below as some of our suggestions may improve your experience. Should the issue still continue, please contact our Customer Service team and refer to the steps taken in this FAQ.
Please note: Betfair Casino is not responsible for the content of external websites referred to in this FAQ.

1. General PC performance:

Although our products do not demand state-of-art hardware, it is always advisable to keep the PC components up to date and relatively clean of unused programs

Clean your computer;
Upgrade graphics card:
Graphics cards can become outdated and perform poorly fairly quickly. However, many of them can be upgraded for free online.
For Windows PC users (Windows 7):

  1. 1 Locate the graphics card: START; Control Panel; System ; Device Manager.
  2. 2 Under ‘Display adapters’ you will see the name of the graphics card.
  3. 3 Use this information to search online for the manufacturer, download and update;the appropriate latest driver.
  4. 4 Restart your computer.

2. Verifying and updating Java and Flash version

We recommend having always the latest version installed:

1. Java version:

  1. This needs to be done only for Poker download software.
  2. Flash version:
  3. This needs to be done for Casino download software and all browser-based applications (please checked Flash version for each browser separately).

3. Browser performance

Deleting your browser history can help your browser's performance. It is a good idea to clear your browser's cookies on a regular basis. It's also a good time to clear your browser's cache while you are clearing the cookies.
1. Disable Add-ons/Plug-ins/Extensions:

  1. Sometimes, with or without you knowing it, your browser ends up with add-ons such as extra toolbars, animated mouse pointers, stock tickers or pop-up ad blockers. While add-ons can make your online experience better, they can occasionally interfere or conflict with other software on your computer.
You can display your account balance by clicking on the ‘Show account balance’ link, which is in the top right hand corner of the lobby.
You can also view your account balance and other Betfair Casino account information by clicking on the Cashier button.
Royal flush
Straight Flush
Four of a kind
Full house
Three of a kind
Two pair
One pair
High card

Any bet which results in proceeds of $1,500.00 or more from Poker tournaments must be reported by us to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

If you are subject to IRS reporting requirements, we will send you Form W2-G summarising the information for tax purposes by January 31 following the end of the tax year of winning.

Since you provided us with a full Social Security Number at registration we are not required to withhold federal or New Jersey State Income Tax from your winnings. Whether or not you are subject to tax on your winnings is dependent upon your own individual circumstances and as such we are not able to provide personal tax advice.

Deposits & Withdrawals

You can deposit funds via Credit/Debit Cards, ACH, Wire Transfer, Check Deposit and via a Cage deposit. Please click here to deposit funds

Why has my transaction been declined?
We’re sorry, but we are unable to proceed with your transaction. Our decision was based in whole or in part on information obtained from Certegy Check Services, Inc. (“Certegy”).
Certegy is unable to tell you the specific reasons for the denial decision made by us, but can give you the information contained in Certegy’s file. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you have the right to obtain a free copy of your information held in Certegy’s file, if you request it no later than 60 days after you receive this notice. In addition, if you find that any information in Certegy’s file is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to dispute it with Certegy. You may reach Certegy at www.askCertegy.com; toll free at 866-740-3276, or write to Certegy Check Services, Inc., P.O. Box 30046, Tampa, FL 33630-3046.

You can withdraw funds via ACH, Check or Cage Withdrawal. Please click here to view our full list of Withdrawal options
You can make a cage deposit into your Betfair account at the Casino Cage at the Golden Nugget, Atlantic City
You can make a cage withdrawal by requesting the withdrawal online in the 'Withdraw' section. Once the Withdrawal has been requested it wil be available at the Casino Cage in the Golden Nugget from 24 hours after the Withdrawal request was made. Please click here to view our full list of Withdrawal options.
You can have up to 3 cards registered at once, to add more cards you can delete a card registered previously.

Location Detection Plugin

The location detection plugin is a piece of software downloaded within your browser which allows us to pinpoint your location using your wireless internet connection.
After registering your account, you will be directed to the page where you may install the location detection plugin. If you have already completed the registration process prior to reading our FAQs, you will be prompted to install the location detection plugin when attempting to launch a game.
You will be directed to the location detection plugin installation page once you have completed the registration process or when you are attempting to launch a game. On this page, depending on whether you are on a Windows or Mac operating system, you will need to select the relevant install button to download the plugin. Once you have successfully installed the location detection plugin you will be able to continue playing without interruptions.
By law, we must be able to confirm that you are physically located within the State of New Jersey in order to play our games. You need to install the location detection plugin in order for us to be able to confirm your location within the State.
If you have downloaded the location detection plugin on your PC previously you will not be required to install the plugin again. If however, you are accessing Betfair Casino on a PC for the first time, you will be required to install the plugin.
If you have forgotten whether or not you have installed the location detection plugin, please login to your account, select your username from the top right hand side of the site and from the dropdown menu choose the option 'Location Detection Status'. By selecting this, the site will run a check and confirm to you whether you have the location detection plugin installed or not.
There could be 2 reasons why you might be unable to launch a game after installing the location detection plugin.

  • You are not physically located in New Jersey or you are very close to the state border. Areas close to the state border are designated as high risk areas by state gaming regulators.
  • You do not have a wifi adapter installed on your PC. A wifi adapter must be installed and turned on at all times in order to be able to play on our site. Betfair Casino detects your location by locating nearby wifi hotspots in order to determine that you are located in New Jersey. In order to enable us to do this, you need a wifi adapter installed and switched on.

If you don’t have a wifi adapter and need assistance, please contact our Customer Service team here.

How to enable your Wi-Fi:

Windows Users:

  • Open Control Panel
  • Click on “Network and Internet” or “Network Connections”
  • Click “View network status and tasks” or select the icon of the Wi-Fi adapter you want to enable
  • Click “Connect or disconnect” or click “Enable”

Mac OS Users:

  • Click the AirPort icon in your Menu bar and select: Turn AirPort On
No, you will not need to install the location detection plugin on your mobile or tablet, as these products have built-in wifi capabilities which allow us to confirm your location.